February 5, 2023: "1 Corinthians - 1:10-17" Part 2


Sermon begins at 22:36

Sunday Setlist

Great Things x Phil Wickham

Raise A Hallelujah x Bethel Music

Hallelujah For The Cross x Chris McClarney

Christ Be Magnified x Cody Carnes


Sermon Guide


What stood out to you as the most memorable point about this week’s sermon regarding unity?

Share with your group your secret to getting along with others, or conversely, why you have a tough time getting along with others.


Read 1 Corinthians 1:10-12

  • What is Paul appealing to the church at Corinth to be or do?

  • What is the source of the quarrels and why would this be a point of contention in the church?

Read 1 Corinthians 3:3-4

  • How does Paul describe being "worldly”?

  • If Paul infers that human nature draws us towards disunity, what then can Christians do to pursue unity?

In this sermon, Robert outlined three ways of causing division : 

  1. Quarrels (v. 11)

  2. Cliques (v. 12)

  3. Conceit (v. 13-16)

In what ways do we see these in our day?

Robert also outlined three ways of promoting unity:

  1. Harmony of Attitude

  2. Agreement on Essentials

  3. Single-Mindedness of Purpose

In what ways are these important for unity?


What are some ways that you can be a source of unity at home, church, and workplace?

If unity comes through the way of the cross in self-giving love, how are you doing?